Enjoying the Friday Night Sky…

The beauty of the lights...[Image from: fineartamerica.com]

The beauty of the lights…[Image from: fineartamerica.com]

The beauty of the bright lights…

…Twinkling in the night sky

The pours of a sweet beverage…

Temptations opening new inhibitions…

…Doors opening to a new beginning

Adventures yet to come…

Hope you all have an amazing friday night and a great St. Patrick’s Day weekend! Even though who cannot enjoy a lovely cocktail (Health Cleanse), I can dress up a water and still have fun haha!

Delicious and cool water with lemon ;-)

Delicious and cool water with lemon 😉

Have fun and stay safe ♥


Peace Within...

Finding the peace within [Image from s628.photobucket.com ]

The calm within me
Soothing like a cool breeze on a hot day
Engulfing me with sweet and gentle air
Able to breath without pain

The calm within me
Sweet like a first kiss
Thoughts feel like walking on air
Light and airy
Feeling confident even without solid ground

Inner most sweetness
Painless and most effortless
Like a moth to a flame
I am drawn to you
Ever so sweet

Words cannot describe
The love of this feeling
Is beyond compared
I am falling deep
Ever so deep
Into this peace
Never forget me
For I may fall without you
Never leave me
Keep me grounded and safe
My gentle
Ever so loving

 Hoping you all are having a great weekend and hope you take the time and enjoy finding your inner most peace in life 🙂

♥ Norah

Finding Beauty In The Kitchen

Finding Beauty In The Kitchen

While receiving a food shipment today the bananas intrigued me with their bright green color. I wanted to take a picture so I wouldn’t forget about finding beauty in anything you see…never forget you can find beauty in the most simple things….

** Instagram: CulinaryGirl138 **

The Beauty of a Hand

The Beauty of a Heart

The hand can hold the talent to create some beautiful things…

Hey my friends,

I wanted to take a new approach to poetry by writing a recipe within a poem. It was a bit tricky but I think it came out unique yet beautiful. Hope you enjoy 🙂

The Beauty of a Hand

These hands

These overused yet simple hands

Sometimes manicured to perfection

But most of the time simple and ordinary

No polish on the fingers

Nails tend to get long

Your simple yet beautiful hands


They tend to create a beautiful thing

A beautiful thing you say…

Yes a beautiful thing..

It can start with the opening of a simple cookie mix…

That leads to the mixing and intertwining of something simple yet beautiful…

The marriage of an egg, stick of butter and of course lots of sweet chocolate chips

Creating a dough so rich yet a bit grainy to the tip

The beauty of a simple dough

The beauty of a simple dough


The use of this hand can shape a simple yet perfect heart

Perfect like a heart shape pan

Butter it up with sweet nothings

Tell me secrets that you have never shared

Press them down towards my soul like dough to a pan

Let it sink in into every corner like my heart

Show my heart the true joy of knowing you

Light a fire like you would and oven

Engulf me in your heat 350 degrees

Let me settle in your warmth

Love me not only for 10 to 15 minutes

But love me for a lifetime


Perfect shaped heart <3

Perfect shaped heart ❤


Let this beauty cool till cold to the touch

Awing at the perfect form

Love comes in all types of forms

It can be showered in words, actions, even a simple gesture

But for these hands they shower love in pink icing

The sweetness so decadent it is covered and written on this beautiful heart

Use these hands…

To show me how you love me

To show me how you care

Actions clearly speak louder than words…


Your hands

Your simple yet beautiful hands…

They have created

They have used

These hands have shown kindness

These hands have shown strength


My beautiful hands tell a story

Sometimes pure

Sometimes dark

But with a simple idea

They create not only beauty

They create…



Love can be shown in any form

Love can be shown in any form






Image from: favim.com

What an intense word
To crave for something or someone
The feeling of needing it so bad you can’t eat, sleep, maybe even breath…

To really crave
Knots in your stomach
Pacing the floor
Sweat in your palms
Sleepless nights of antagonizing anguish
Biting of your lips
You crave
You want
You need
Can’t live without

We all crave for something
For love
For comfort
For peace
Hell even for food
Whatever it is that we crave for
It consumes our beings till our body receives
When the lips touch
Gets just a little bit of a taste
To satisfy the craving
Calming our beings
Calming the urge just a bit
Peace at mind falls
Craving is of no more
Smiling with satisfaction

No more cravings
For a while everything feels right in the world
The sky is blue
Your thoughts are clear
Till one day it creeps
Clouding your soul
You crave for more
You want
You need
You crave…

How can you crave for something you do not know
For someone you never met
Sleepless nights
A racing heart
Thoughts of the unknown
Feelings of your feet in shackles
Consumed with thoughts
Of hope
Craving the unknown
I crave for a beautiful unknown fantasy
Filled with blue limitless sky
Sun shines so bright its blinding to the eye
I crave
What do you crave?…

(Inspired by the song: Crave You (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix) by Flight Facilities)

Quote [Image from: weheartit.com]

Quote [Image from: weheartit.com]

Hey My Friends!

So as you may have noticed lately I have been writing a lot of poetry. I am at the point right now that I am so inspired by so much that is around me that I can’t help but to write! For my foodies I promise there is more sweet and yummy food posts so bear with me LOL! I hope you enjoy and may even be inspired by it 🙂

Norah 🙂

Tomorrow is a Day Away…

Tomorrow is a Day Away

I was searching and found this picture and was inspired, I knew I had to post it (Image from pimooteewin.blogspot.com)


Hello friends!

For the past couple of days I have been in a somber and quiet mood. I am not sure why but when I have days like theae I like to reflect and write. I have been listening to a song by Miguel called “Where’s the Fun in Forever”. It inspired me to write this poem. I am not the greatest but I use poetry as a way to express my feelings. I hope you enjoy and hopefully it inspires you to write 🙂

Tomorrow Is A Day Away

Have you ever stopped to think about how life would be…
Without limits
Without any barriers
Confidence seeping through your veins
No chance to second guess
For your love of life gives you the chance to dream
Of seizing the day
Making this life
Your life yours

Have you ever stopped to think about how life would be…
If you tore down your walls
Let the light come in
To smile so bright that you cry
Not because of sadness

But for the first time you let love come in
And you did not second guess yourself
Not even for a minute

Have you ever stopped to think how life could be…
If you gave into your thoughts and dived in
Dived into the unknown of adventure
The unknown of this beautiful yet twisted life
This life is not for the vaint of heart
But we all can make it through
For love and faith
Imagination and creation
Family and friends
And that one person who you may or may not know
Who holds a piece of your heart and soul
They all give you the strength to fight…
For a new and beautiful beginning
Tomorrow is just a day away…
What will you do to make it yours…

Motivational Quote (Image from animatedgifimages.weebly.com )

Motivational Quote (Image from animatedgifimages.weebly.com )

Wet & Snowy New York Night (Instagram Photo)

Wet & Snowy New York Night (Instagram Photo)

I took this picture last night in the midst of the blizzard and posted in on
Instagram. This picture inspired me to post an old poem of mine called “Fear”. Hope you enjoy 🙂



No family to count on
Being alone
Losing oneself
Never being in love
This fear causing sleepless nights
Panic attacks
Not being able to really breath
Consuming my being
Whose to say it will not happen
Whose to say it will
Determination is all I have
The ability to save myself
But can I save myself
Or will these fears eat me alive
I have to move forward
Through the negativity
The self hatred
For the cross I carry
I have to have faith
Believe in not only God
But in me
For fear is my crutch

DIY: Inspire Yourself With Your Own Inspiration Board!

Write what inspires you!

Write what inspires you!

“Creativity is intelligence having fun” – Albert Einstein

Hello my culinary girls and friends of all shapes and sizes!

I wanted to first off say how excited I am that I am gaining a following and that I am enjoying writing so much!  I hope you get some sort of inspiration through each post. I know for myself I am just by writing what I know and love. So thank thank you thank you and I hope anyone who stumbles upon this enjoys the blog and gets inspired!

So about two weeks ago I had created an inspiration board for the new year. I had gotten the idea in an old magazine while waiting for my car to get an oil change a while ago (Soo boring but it turned a success! LOL) and thought it was an awesome idea! I had heard in the past that putting up any ideas whether notes of future projects, pictures of items you wanted, or whatever it may be often puts the idea in your head and can lead you to accomplishing your goals. I thought this year since it is the year for change let me make an inspiration board. Making the board was def not hard. Growing up I loved creating collages of pictures of friends or subjects that I was really into like fashion, music artist, make-up and beauty, the list goes on. What I always loved about collages was the fact that I could be as creative as I want and make this keepsake that I could keep for as long as I wanted. So when I made my inspiration board I treated it with the same concept as a collage.

Photo collages I have created

Photo collages I have created

I had started with just going into a crafts store for stickers, colorful scrapbook paper, etc. to fill my board. I wanted it to be like a chalkboard almost, putting things on as I go. Here are some of the things I bought or found around the house:

Board supplies

Board supplies

  • Poster board – I bought black but there are an array of colors and styles in the store you can choose from.
  • Glue – either stick or the gel (I prefer the gel since it holds better for a poster)
  • Stickers – I loveeee stickers and depending on your theme they can add flavor to your board
  • Magazines /Catalogs/Newspapers– You can find all kinds of inspiration in these
  • Paint pens – Great investment if your into crafting, not only can you write with awesome colors for poster board but also glass, ceramic, the list goes on. I usually have an array of colors for different projects 🙂
  • Scissors – well you will need to cut of course!
  • Great music! – listen to what gets you going, I always have Pandora in the backround if I’m working on a project, cooking or baking

Now that you get an overall concept of making your own inspiration board, now go for it and make one! Pick a day where you have some free time to really think about what you would like to accomplish within the year. I always say that inspiration comes when you least expect it, it could happen while your surfing blogs, or having an outing with friends, a previous dream, listening to a lecture, watching your favorite TV show, reading your favorite book, the list goes on. For me it honestly took me a while to find the time to really sit down and make one, and it is still a work in progress. Life changes everyday and so do our dreams. So get inspired and display what you love and want. You never know what you can accomplish! So happy inspiration board making and always remember that with lots of effort and determination, and the belief in yourself ANYTHING is possible 🙂

My Inspiration Board!

My Inspiration Board!

So happy inspiration board making!

Norah 🙂